Case 4-pleural disease
These three patients all have abnormal opacities on their frontal chest radiographs with unusual shapes. Shape is an important consideration when analyzing radiographic findings, and correlating between orthogonal views (views at 90 degrees from each other, like frontal and lateral radiographs). For Cases 2 and 3, try to identify the finding on the lateral view that corresponds to the frontal abnormality before looking at the labeled image.
Further Explanation:
Case 4-pleural disease
The first three cases all had trauma with chest pain. All have air in the pleural space, or pneumothorax (PTX for short). Try to identify the abnormal air before checking the labels. Case 4 also has a pleural abnormality. What is unusual about the appearance of the frontal CXR and what diagnosis does the history suggest?
Further Explanation:
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/2-empyemaPA CXR1.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/2-empyemaPA CXR1labels.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/3-CXR post tx copy 2.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/3-CXR post tx copy 2labels.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/4-CT med win.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/4-CT med win labels.png)
Case 4-pleural disease
These three patients all have another category of pleural disease. Again, think about the shapes and margins of the findings you see.
Further Explanation:
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/2-CTpleural mets.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/2-CTpleural metslabels.png)
![](https://shafferseminars.com/uploads//cases/5-CXRpleurallipoma labels.png)