Dedicated to education about medical imaging
Topics are updated frequently
Medical Students
Enteric Tubes
Drawing Exercise
Ultrasound for Anatomy students
Tufts Anatomy Imaging Preview
PISCES Pulmonary
Transition to Clinics Radiology
Medicine Subintern CXR Review
Whorl 2024 Kick Back Kafe'
Doctoring 2
Images for use in PrISM course at BUSM
Intro to CXR for Core Radiology Review
Foundations 2 Imaging Anatomy
DRx-Pre Class Cases
Surgery Bootcamp-Part 1
Anatomy-Optional Workshop Imaging Cases
Intro to US for medical students
Surgery Bootcamp-Part 2
Joint Session ENT Radiology
SNMA Ultrasound Skills Session
Core Radiology clerkship RadLabs
Radiology Residents
Lung Collapse
Chest Lymphoma
Stereo Targeting Board Review
Pleural Disease
Holistic Radiology
Education Conferences
Board Reviews
Pericardial and Valvular Disease
Breast Conferences
Chest Infections
Chest Imaging Bootcamp
Chest Radiography
Breast Imaging Bootcamp
Chest Imaging Signs
Chest Vascular Anatomy
Axillary Lymph Node Donor Sites
Chest CT
Chest Glossary
Other Students
Support Tubes and Lines for Neuro Critical Care
Boston College EagleShadow
SICU Imaging
Graduate Student Imaging Anatomy
PA Student Introduction to Clinical Radiology
Prework for PA Introduction to Radiology
Breast Imaging overview
PA Anatomy-Pre Class Cases
PT Cases
High School Students
Graduate Student Anatomy--Breast Imaging
Introduction to Ultrasound for High School Students
Chest Imaging for Internal Medicine Residents
Imaging Anatomy Review for XRT
St George's University Imaging Anatomy
Radiology for Kids
Medical Writing
PA Student Introduction to US
PA Student IR Bootcamp
PA Student CXR review
CXR Technical Factors
ACR CoPLL Meeting 2020
MRI Online Case Review Live
PA Anatomy Limbs and Spine presentation
Tufts Imaging Anatomy of Limbs
PISCES Pulmonary for Educators
Transition to Clinics for Faculty
PA Intro to Radiology for Faculty
UHCMC Radiology Education Grand Rounds
Michigan State Radiology Visiting Professor
PrISM respiratory teaching images
Intro to CXR for Core Radiology
Intro to KUB for Core Radiology
Clinical Anatomy
Doctors Who Create
Training the Eye
BU Educational Innovation Conference
International Conference in Innovative Teaching
Tufts Imaging Anatomy of Thorax
PrISM CV teaching images
BU Year 1 Anatomy-Presentations
BU Year 1 Anatomy-Review Sessions
Surgery Bootcamp
PT Cases for In Class Discussion
PA Anatomy Chest Presentation
PA Anatomy Abdomen Presentation
PA Anatomy Pelvis presentation
PA Anatomy Renal presentation
PA Anatomy Brain, CNs and Spinal Cord presentation
PA student CXR review in-class images
Chest Workshop
In Development
Multilevel cases
Kitt's Test Category Name